Walnut Fluke Chairs

Special request from a client who wanted the fluke chairs made out of American walnut. I made some slight adjustments to the depth of the seat too, subtle but makes the chair even more comfortable.


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Second set of Fluke Chairs

The second series of Fluke chairs, a slight readjustment in the design to make the fluke longer, making the chairs even more comfortable and giving them a much sleeker look.
I’m currently taking commissions, please contact me if interested.

Kumiko Lights mkII

My second go at Kumiko lamps and fair to say a bit more tricky then the first.
Made from Irish Oak, Ash, Walnut, and small bits of Maple!
These bed side lamps give off a wonderful glow.

#furnituredesign #furniture #kumico #lamps #interiordesign #neilhodges
#woodwork #woodworking #walnut #walnutwood #oak #maple #ash
#bedsidelamps #bedside #bedsidelamp #bespoke #custom #handmade
#woodworking #beara #joinery #joinerydesign #japaneselamp

Making a Jewellery box

Here is the final film of the creation of my jewellery box. A lot of time and effort put into this piece of work. I loved working with the Yew wood which was given to me by Hans from handsonfurniture.ie in Ardgroom. The top is walnut burl that I bought in Cork and thanks to Marc Jeisy of bearajoinery.com, for the use of his workshop.



Knife handle one off job

Old vs new, a very sharp knife which was a family memento for its owner.
Of course the knife had to have a certain value for its owner to want it renovated, I enjoyed fixing this knife with a new handle which will give it another lease of life for it’s owner.

#furniture #interiordesign #homedecor #design #interior #furnituredesign
#home #decor #sofa #architecture #interiors #homedesign #decoration
#art #luxury #furniturejepara #interiordesigner #wood #vintage
#handmade #mebel #woodworking #furniturejakarta #designer
#furnituremurah #style #interiordecor #m #bedroom #neilhodges

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